
Flor Henk - Microneedling Specialist

Stimulate your natural collagen with the latest facial rejuvenation procedure Platelet Rich Plasma Treatment.

SkinPen by Bellus Medical is the first FDA-cleared Microneedling device.

Better known as “The Vampire Facial” Microneedling works by creating a series of microscopic channels into the dermis.
The process stimulates the skin’s natural production of new collagen and elastin, helping your skin to look and feel healthier.

PRP = Platelet Rich-Plasma - an add-on service

Using your own platelets in your blood to re-generate and stimulate collagen, resulting in youthful skin.

The combination of this treatment prevents fines lines, reverse sun damage, and acne scars. It helps your pores appear much smaller because it stimulates collagen in and around your pores which cause them to plump up and appear smaller.

The reason I love Microneedling with PRP is because it's able to utilize your body’s own natural healing mechanisms. There are no chemicals. We are not introducing any foreign materials into your body. We are actually using you to heal you and regenerate new healthy skin.

It’s recommended to receive a series of three treatments spaced by six to eight weeks apart.

Pro Gen system
before and after PRP

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