Eyelash Extensions
Take a vacation from your mascara and enjoy the freedom of effortless beauty!
Introducing Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions, your ultimate answer for longer, thicker, more beautiful-looking eyelashes. Developed to mimic your natural eyelashes, each Xtreme Lashes Eyelash Extension is individually applied to a single eyelash, resulting in a gorgeous, natural appearance. Xtreme Lashes Eyelash Extensions are not traditional false eyelashes, eyelash flares or implants. Safe and comfortable to wear, Xtreme Lashes Eyelash Extensions are never applied directly to your skin or eyelid. With routine touchups every two to four weeks, you can have amazing eyelashes indefinitely.
Please note: I do not take new clients for outside fills and a removal service may be necessary before applying a new full set.

Eyelash Extension Services
Frequently Asked Questions about Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions

Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are semi-permanent eyelash extensions comprised of individual synthetic eyelashes that are curved to replicate a natural eyelash. Our lashes are thicker at the base and taper to a fine point. They are applied on to individual eyelashes, one extension at a time, for a natural, elegant look to lengthen and add fullness to the existing lashes. Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are for professional application only. Self-application and application by untrained individuals is strongly discouraged.
Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are crafted from synthetic polyester. Synthetic lashes respond better to wear and tear than other materials. In addition, synthetics have the least possible chance of allergic reactions with human skin. Testing has shown that there are higher percentages of people who will have adverse reactions to contact with lash extensions created from animal hairs, such as mink.
With proper application, Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions look and feel completely real. Each application is customized to suit the individual. We offer three thicknesses of lashes and four different curls with lengths ranging from 5mm to 17mm in a variety of colors for highlighting effects. Varying individual synthetic lash lengths are chosen to carefully replicate the shape and frame of a natural lash line. The thickness of the Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions applied is determined by the health and thickness of your natural lashes as well as personal preference. The overall effect is added curl, thickness and length, opening up the eye for added definition.
Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are designed to be indistinguishable in size and weight to human lashes. They are flexible yet crimp-resistant, and they move with your natural lashes. As long as you keep up with the touch-up applications, it is almost impossible to tell that you are wearing the extensions.
Because an Xtreme Lash® is an exact replica of an eyelash, it weighs about as much as a natural lash: practically nothing. You will not notice the addition of the extensions to your lashes and they will not cause your natural lashes to fall out ahead of their natural cycle as other enhancement methods can. Please feel free to review our client testimonials and before/after pictures for additional information on the look and feel of Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions.
Most women choose Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions to lengthen their natural lashes while others want their lashes to look fuller. A number of women with naturally light colored lashes choose Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions to darken their existing lashes. Still others love the different, fun looks they can achieve with highlighting and layering.
Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions can create a younger appearance on many clients. Several consumers who were contemplating having work done on their faces have informed us that they no longer feel the need as a result of wearing Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions. Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions create the appearance of a brighter, more open and rested eye, thereby creating a more youthful and rejuvenated look.
Above all, the main advantage of Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions is how much time you can save during your beauty regimen. Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions allow you to spend less time with makeup; mascara is certainly no longer necessary. Because our lashes are bigger at the base, they create the same effect as eyeliner so that step can be avoided as well. Overall, Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions will give you the appearance of having put significant effort into your eye makeup when, in reality, you spent no time at all. No application of eye makeup and no need for removal at the end of the day. The added benefit is that they look beautiful morning and night, all day, every day. Say goodbye to the application of mascara, stained tears and mascara raccoon masks around the eyes. With Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions you can look and feel gorgeous from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep with little to no effort.
The look can be maintained indefinitely with refills. When properly applied, an Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extension will remain in place until the natural lash on which it rests falls out. This can be as long as two months or more.
Natural eyelashes grow in and fall out in cycles (every 60 to 90 days). When a natural lash matures and falls out, a new lash has already been growing and quickly replaces it without us noticing the turnover. This process is constant and at any given moment our many natural lashes are at different stages of maturity. Some are just growing in, while others are ready to shed. People typically shed between 1 and 5 natural lashes each day, depending on their individual growth cycles. On shorter natural lashes, this growing and shedding cycle is virtually unnoticeable.
When eyelashes are extended with Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions, it will be more noticeable when these lashes shed because they are longer and darker than natural lashes. Please keep in mind this is a perfectly normal occurrence, with or without extensions. Lash Stylists will apply Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions primarily to those lashes that are in the middle of their maturation cycle to maximum the amount of time they will last, without jeopardizing the health of ‘baby’ lashes. The Xtreme Lash® will fall out with the natural lash it is attached to when it reaches the end of its growth cycle. A few Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions may shed within the first week because the attached natural lashes are at the end of their growth cycle. Most will remain in place for approximately two months.
With proper care and maintenance, touch-ups are typically only needed once every 2 to 4 weeks to replace the lashes that have shed. Your Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions Stylist will add extensions to the newest mature natural lashes to maintain a full, lush appearance.
Depending on the expertise and experience of the Lash Stylist and the number of lashes being applied, it generally takes between 120 to 150 minutes to apply a full set of Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions. Touch-ups can be done in as little as 45 to 60 minutes.
You will be comfortably reclined with your eyes closed while Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are applied one at a time to your own natural eyelashes. There is no discomfort or pain involved in the procedure. In fact, most clients find it is so relaxing and comfortable that they fall asleep.
Because Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are applied to existing natural lashes you must have some natural lashes to receive the procedure. Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions should not, and in many cases cannot, be applied to clients who have alopecia, are undergoing chemotherapy or those who suffer from Trichotillomania, unless and until the individual has received effective treatment and normal lash growth has resumed.
Though Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are easy to maintain, the first twenty-four hours are crucial for a strong bond. You should keep your lashes dry and avoid touching them. After twenty-four hours, care is fairly simple: avoid oil based products and be gentle with the lashes. They are resistant to water, sweat and tears. Your Lash Stylist will give you a detailed, easy care maintenance instruction manual following your procedure. In general, to maintain your new look and extend the life of your lashes, follow these simple guidelines:
- For the first 24 hours after application the lashes should not be exposed to water or steam to allow the adhesive time to fully bond. We recommend avoiding swimming and the spa for 48 hours after lash application for best results.
- Be gentle with your lashes; do not pull on the extensions or rub the eyes excessively.
- Avoid the use of oil-based products on or around the lashes and do not use waterproof mascara. Ask your Xtreme Lashes® Stylist about the Xtreme Lashes® water-based mascaras and Xtreme Eye Makeup Remover, specially formulated for eyelash extensions. Apply mascara on the tips only. Note: Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are ideally suited for individuals who want longer, fuller lashes without the need for much additional eye makeup. Constant application of heavy eye makeup, particularly mascara and eyeliner, may reduce the lifespan of your Xtreme Lashes® and require more frequent touch ups.
- Ask your Xtreme Lashes® Stylist about the Xtreme Lashes® Protective Coating. You can apply Protective Coating once or twice per week on your new lashes to preserve the look and extend the life of your Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions. Brush on from the base up to the tips. This coating also gives the lashes a wonderful shine!
We recommend getting a touch up every two to four weeks to maintain maximum fullness of your Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions.
You can enjoy these lashes with little need to adjust your lifestyle. Provided you follow the simple maintenance instructions, are not involved excessively in heat or water activities, and treat the lashes with care they will last through the natural lash life cycle and fall off with the natural lash, not before. You can swim, shower and spa as usual so long as these activities are not engaged in excessively. (Please do not swim or spa for 48 hours after the procedure to allow the adhesive to fully cure.)
A competitive swimmer who is constantly in the chlorinated water may lose some lashes earlier than the average person as may someone who gets very frequent facials (weekly) or goes into the steam room daily. Doing an above average level of activities related to heat or constant water exposure may weaken the adhesive bond causing some early lash loss.
There are no products that are required to be applied to the lashes. Optionally, consumers can use Xtreme Protective Coating® which acts as a sealer on the adhesive creating an even stronger bond to the natural lash. It can be applied one to two times per week on the lashes to extend the lasting power of Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions. Xtreme Lashes® especially recommends this product to those clients with oily skin or those who do not carefully maintain their lashes. If you choose to wear mascara we recommend using one of the Xtreme Lashes® water-based mascaras and Xtreme Eye Makeup Remover, specially formulated for eyelash extensions. Additional curl can be safely added to the lashes as well with an Xtreme Lashes® Heated Eyelash Curler. Ask for these items from your local Lash Stylist. Apply mascara on the tips only.
Indeed, one of the main advantages of Xtreme Lashes® is that you never need mascara again. However, if you must have the mascara look, only water based mascara can be used. You can purchase one of our specially formulated Xtreme Lashes® mascaras from your Xtreme Lashes® Stylist. DO NOT USE OIL-BASED OR WATER-PROOF MASCARA. Waterproof mascara along with any type of oil based mascara will dissolve the adhesive and cause your Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions to fall off.
A natural lash typically sheds every 60 to 90 days and is replaced with the growth of a new eyelash. Since Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions are applied one by one to each individual hair, after 2-4 weeks, approximately 1/3 of the lashes will have cycled out. At this point, touch ups are required to replace the lashes that have completed their life cycle. Touch ups generally take a short time and are relatively inexpensive.
As the natural lashes cycle out and shed, Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions will shed with them. However, if necessary, Xtreme Lashes® Eyelash Extensions can be professionally removed by your Lash Stylist using our specially formulated adhesive remover. The removal process normally takes approximately 15 to 30 minutes for a full set. Never try to remove eyelash extensions on your own. Damage can be caused by pulling the extensions off with the natural lash, removing the natural lash before it is ready to shed.
Full Set of Eyelash Extensions Lashes Per Eye - 2.5 hours Application.
A Full set of lashes typically takes 2.5 hours depending on the amount of natural lashes you have. I will apply as many lashes as possible in the allocated time to give you the best possible look available. No half sets or partial sets, you get the absolute best possible set of lashes every time.
35+ Lashes Per Eye – 1 hour application
Your natural lashes shed on a 90 day cycle. When the natural lash sheds, the extension sheds with it. Relashes are recommended every two to three weeks to refill the lashes that have fallen out and maintain a full set of lash extensions. About 25% to 30% of the lash extensions shed every 2 to 3 weeks depending on your lash cycle. Typically 1 hour Relash appointments are needed every two weeks and 1.5 hours of application time is needed every 3 weeks.
Anything after 6 weeks will be considered a full set. No exceptions!
Full Sets: Additional time is sometimes needed for clients who have above average number of lashes per eye. You can request more time than allocated to apply more eyelash extensions. Some clients who have much more lashes than average may be able to receive 120 to 150 lashes per eye with additional time.
Relashes: Relashes are typically scheduled every two weeks and take one hour. If you would like to come in on a less frequent cycle and require more application time, I can apply additional eyelash extensions for you at a rate of $25 every 15 minutes.